Why Aren't You Catching More Rainbow Trout?

Posted on: 4 March 2022

Are you fishing for rainbow trout, but spending more of your time sitting by the water than actually reeling things in? Rainbow trout fishing can be tricky, but there are a few steps you can take to catch more of them more often. Take a look:

Move to a Lake, Rather than a Stream

Rainbow trout do spend time in streams, and some anglers are successful in catching them there. However, since the water tends to be more shallow in streams, the fish do quickly learn to avoid fishing lures. If you're struggling to catch rainbow trout in a stream, try moving to a nearby lake and fishing there instead. The fish are less likely to have been spooked by other anglers, and you may have better luck catching them since you can cast your line deeper. As an additional bonus, rainbow trout in lakes tend to weigh more than those in streams.

Avoid Fluorescent Colors

Fluorescent colors are not typically seen in nature. So, those fishing lures that are bright pink or orange will look unnatural to the trout, which will likely cause the trout to avoid them. This may not bother some species of fish, but it will bother rainbow trout. In spite of what their name suggests, they are easiest to catch with lures that are naturally colored. If you're fishing in deep waters, you can use lures with a little silver metallic color, but nothing overly flashy.

Fish With Live Baits

Live baits, whether worms or flaked minnows, can go a long way towards helping you catch more rainbow trout. Just make sure you keep the bait alive. If you pull your line up and the bait has stopped moving, replace it. This may feel like a waste of bait, but fishing with dead bait is not likely to catch you many rainbow trout.

Go Earlier

Rainbow trout are really sensitive to shadows. If you start fishing before dawn when the sun is not up, you will avoid casting any shadows, which will make it easier for you to catch fish. If you do fish after sun-up, be conscious of where you're standing and where your shadow is. Try to avoid creating a shadow over the water.

If you're struggling to catch enough rainbow trout, try implementing some or all of the tips above. These fish can be picky, but a couple of tweaks to your routine can go a long way.
