Short-Term Business Apartment Rentals Give You A Home Away From Home

Posted on: 14 July 2015

When you are traveling on business, you want to be comfortable. You want to know that when you get done with your day, you have somewhere to go where you can put your feet up. If you are going to be in town for a few days, a hotel may be a good choice for you. However, if you are going to be there for a longer period of time, you may want to have a different kind of space. You may want to think about using a short-term business rental. 

Short-Term Business Rentals

These are apartments that are specifically for people who travel on business and who want a home base for few weeks or months. They are furnished apartments, so all you have to do is bring your clothes and settle in. The apartment will let you spread out and give you the chance to have a home away from home. The apartments generally come in a variety of sizes so that you can find one that works for you. If you need to have meetings in the apartment while you are there, you can make sure that you have an extra space so that you can do that. The complex or building that you rent from may also offer conference spaces. 

Benefits to Short-Term Business Rentals

One of the benefits of using a short-term business apartment is that you aren't going to necessarily lose any services. You can still arrange for housekeeping to come in and clean if you would like. However, you are still going to have more privacy than you would if you were in a hotel. If you don't want cleaners to come in, then you don't have to have them. Another benefit is that these residences usually offer more rental space but charge less than an extended hotel stay. Lastly, since some corporations rent blocks of apartments for their workers, you may be able to save on gas and get work done on the premises rather than commuting.

Drawbacks to Short-Term Business Rentals

There are a few drawbacks to using a short-term business rental. One is that you may not be able to find one that offers a rental period that you need. Wikipedia reports that the average stay is around 80 days or longer, but that some places only offer two or three month leases. Conversely, if you are locked into a longer lease, the property owner may change the terms and up the rent more frequently since long-term residents are more desirable than short-term business residents.

Traveling for business doesn't have to mean that you end up in uncomfortable hotels. You should talk with a place like Dale Forest Apartments or to your company about your housing options.
